Anthony J. A. Ouellette, Ph.D.


Associate Professor and Co Chair

Department of Biology and Marine Science

Jacksonville University


Phone: 904-256-7299


 Research Interests

I am particularly interested in aquatic microbiology.  Lately I have largely been mentoring undergraduate students in either their own microbiology related projects (their ideas and/or their experimental design—see presentation list below) or on projects dealing with toxic cyanobacteria, in particular Microcystis in the St. Johns River watershed.  Microcystis is a cyanobacterial genus that includes toxic and non-toxic members.  Toxic members synthesize microcystin a hepatotoxin that has many known structural variants.  Toxic Microcystis are cosmopolitan and cause great health concern, particularly when they occur in drinking reservoirs or recreational areas.  Furthermore, Microcystis can form large blooms, which can manifest as green scum floating on the water surface, which is unfortunately not uncommon in Florida, including the St. Johns River.  Monitoring efforts largely focus on microscopic identification and toxin analysis.  DNA detection methods are becoming quite popular for monitoring water bodies for harmful organisms due to their potential sensitivity, speed, and relative ease.  I am interested in using molecular biology tools to investigate the distribution of Microcystis.



2002    Ph.D.  Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

                       University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

                       Advisor:  Professor Bridgette Barry, Currently Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at                          Georgia Institute of Technology

                                       -Characterization of light harvesting components and modified amino acids of photosystem II


1994    B.S.     Biology, Minor in Chemistry

                       University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL


1992                University of Tampa, Tampa, FL


1992    A.A.     General Studies

                       Valencia College, Orlando, FL


1987                High School Diploma

                       Rogers High School, Newport, RI


Academic Positions

2012-present  Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Science, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL (Co-Department Chair Fall 2011 to present)

2008-2012        Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Marine Science, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL

2003-2008        Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY-Oswego, Oswego NY

2002-2003        Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Microbiology and

Center for Environmental Biotechnology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Advisor: Dr. Steven Wilhelm, Associate Professor of Microbiology

             · Developed molecular probes for detection of toxic cyanobacteria

1995-2002        Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and

                         Biophysics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

1994-1995        Research Assistant, Florida Solar Energy Center, University of Central Florida, Cocoa, FL

                          Advisor: Dr. Clovis Linkous, Senior Research Scientist
·Photochemical water oxidation by semiconductors: towards a dual bed photosystem
·Use of semiconductor / cement preparations for inhibition of biofilm growth

Peer-Reviewed Publications:


A.J.A. Ouellette, S.M. Handy, and S.W. Wilhelm (2006) "Toxic Microcystis is widespread in Lake Erie: PCR detection of toxin genes and molecular characterization of associated cyanobacterial communities" Microbial Ecology 51: 154-165.


J.M Rinta-Kanto, A.J.A. Ouellette, G.L. Boyer, M.R. Twiss, T.B. Bridgeman, and S.W. Wilhelm (2005)

"Quantification of toxic Microcystis spp. during the 2003 and 2004 blooms in Western Lake Erie using Quantitative Real-Time PCR"

Environmental Science & Technology 39: 4198-4205.


L.B. Anderson,  A.J.A. Ouellette, J. Eaton-Rye, M. Maderia, M. J. MacCoss, J.R. Yates III, and B.A. Barry (2004)

"Evidence for a Post-Translational Modification, Aspartyl Aldehyde, in a Photosynthetic Membrane Protein"

Journal of the American Chemical Society 126: 8399-8405.


A.J.A. Ouellette and S.W. Wilhelm (2003)

"Toxic cyanobacteria: the evolving molecular toolbox"

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 359-366.


L.B. Anderson, M. Maderia, A.J.A. Ouellette, C. Putnam-Evans, L. Higgins, T. Krick, M. MacCoss, H. Lim, J.R. Yates III, and B.A. Barry (2002)

"Posttranslational modifications in the CP43 subunit of photosystem II"

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99: 14676-14681.


A.J.A. Ouellette and B.A. Barry (2002)

"Tandem mass spectrometric identification of spinach Photosystem II light-harvesting  components"

Photosynthesis Research 72: 159-173.


C.A. Linkous, G.J. Carter, D.B. Locuson, A.J. Ouellette, D.K. Slattery, and L.A. Smitha (2000)

"Photocatalytic inhibition of algae growth using TiO2, WO3, and cocatalyst modifications"

Environmental Science and Technology 34: 4754-4758.


L.B. Anderson, A.J.A. Ouellette, and B.A. Barry (2000)

"Probing the structure of photosystem II with amines and phenylhydrazine"

Journal of Biological Chemistry 275: 4920-4927.


A.J.A. Ouellette, L.B. Anderson, and B.A. Barry (1998)

"Amine binding and oxidation at the catalytic site for photosynthetic water oxidation"

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 95: 2204-2209.


Other Publications:

S.W. Wilhelm,  A.J.A. Ouellette, and J.M Rinta-Kanto (2007) “Development of Molecular Reporters for Microcystis Activity and Toxicity [Project #2818]” This is an AWWA Research Foundation Project Report

C.A. Linkous, D.K. Slattery, A.J.A. Ouellette, G.T. McKaige, and B.C.N. Austin (1996)

"Solar photocatalytic H2 from water using a dual bed photosystem"

Hydrogen Energy Progress XI: Proceedings of the 11th World Hydrogen Energy Conference:  2545-2550.





2012-2013 $2,500

JU Faculty Research Grant: Collaborative Research


2010-2011 $2,500

JU Faculty Research Grant: Cyanotoxin dynamics in the St. Johns River: a JU snapshot


December 2006  $53,530.00

Beckman Coulter Genomics Educational Research Matching Funds grant

A gene sequencer was purchased for use in teaching and research

P.I.: Amy B. Welsh

Co-P.I.: Anthony J.A. Ouellette


Fall 2006  $2,500

SUNY-Oswego Student/Faculty Collaborative Challenge Grant

“Elucidating microbial chemical interactions in aquatic environments”

P.I.: Anthony J.A. Ouellette

Co-P.I.: Anders Peterson (undergraduate student)


Summer & Fall 2005  $5,997.00

National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Supplemental.

This student worked on MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for identifying microorganisms.

P.I. Anthony J.A. Ouellette


August 1 2004 - July 31, 2007    $249,850.00

National Science Foundation, Major Research Instrumentation Program

"Acquisition of Proteomics Equipment and a MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer for Establishment of a Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry Facility"

P.I.: Anthony J.A. Ouellette

Co-P.I.s: Kestutis Bendinskas, Martha Bruch, Webe Kadima, Casey C. Raymond

Senior Personnel: J. Alden Lackey


Summer & Fall 2004    $1005.60

Rice Creek Associates Ninth Annual Small Grants Program

"Rice Pond microorganisms: Genetic, metabolic, and morphological identification"

P.I.: Anthony J.A. Ouellette


Summer & Fall 2004    $2000.00 

SUNY-Oswego New Faculty Enhancement Grant

"Molecular characterization of cyanobacterial communities and genetic detection of toxic Microcystis in Lake Ontario and Rice Creek"

P.I.: Anthony J.A. Ouellette



Oral Presentations by Research Students (Presenter in bold, undergraduate students are underlined)

Sandria Vernon and Anthony Ouellette

“Unto the death: HPLC analysis of bacterial inhibitory molecules”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/5, 2013


Alissa Cowell and Anthony Ouellette

“Quantifying microcystin, a hepatotoxin, from the St. Johns River and adjacent tributaries”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/5, 2013


Alicia Gard-Kaminkow and Anthony Ouellette

“Molecular Analysis of Anthracene Degrading Bacterial Communities”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 3/14, 2012


Ashley Kohler, Shanda Larson, Anthony Ouellette, and Lucy Sonnenberg

 “Anthracene degradation by sediment microbes from the St. Johns River”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 3/14, 2012


Tulsi Patel and Anthony Ouellette

“Vibrio in the St. Johns River”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 3/14, 2012


Chelsy Rowan and Anthony Ouellette

“Determining spoilage rate in fat free milk compared to whole milk.” 

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/1, 2011



Benjamin Hixon and Anthony Ouellette

“Fecal Coliform Bacteria in different tributaries of the Saint Johns River.”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/1, 2011


Robert Garland and Anthony Ouellette

 “Menacing Microorganisms: A Study of Resistance in Dermatophytes.”

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/1, 2011


Gabriela Block and Anthony Ouellette

Genetic identification of isolated aquatic bacteria using the 16S rDNA gene

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/2, 2010


Ayesha Patel and Anthony Ouellette

Allelopathy & Identification of Bacteria

Jacksonville University Faculty and Student Symposium

Jacksonville, FL, 4/2, 2010


Frank Pierce and Anthony Ouellette

“Proteome analysis of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa by 2 dimensional gel and MALDI-ToF analysis”

Great Lakes Research Consortium Student/Faculty Conference

Syracuse, NY 3/14-3/15, 2008

*Frank won best talk in his category


Frank Pierce and Anthony Ouellette

“Identification of proteins isolated from Microcystis aeruginosa strain UTCC 299 by 2 dimensional gel and MALDI-ToF analysis

Quest 2008 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/18, 2007

*Frank won best biology talk


Mark R. Hudson and Anthony J. A. Ouellette

“MALDI-TOF MS Spectra Reproducibility and Identification of Aquatic Bacteria at Rice Creek


Quest 2007 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/18, 2007


Anders D. Peterson and Anthony J.A. Ouellette

“Aquatic Bacterial Interactions”

Quest 2007 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/18, 2007


John Merchant and Anthony J.A. Ouellette

“Proteomic Analysis of Toxic Algae Blooming in a Local Water Body”

Quest 2006 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/19, 2006


Elizabeth Whitmore and Anthony J.A. Ouellette

“DNA Identification Methods: Name that DNA”

Quest 2006 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/19, 2006


Elizabeth Kalisiak and Anthony J.A. Ouellette

“Genetic Identification of Microbial Communities Involved in the Reductive Dechlorination of


Quest 2004 (SUNY Oswego symposium to celebrate scholarly and creative activities)

Oswego, NY, 4/21, 2004


Poster Presentations by Students (Presenter in bold, undergraduate students are underlined)

       John M. Merchant, Anthony J. A. Ouellette

“Ecophysiology of a Local Algal Bloom: Development of the Methods for a Proteomic Approach”

American Society for Microbiology 107th General Meeting

Toronto ON, 5/1- 5/25, 2007

John received a competitive travel grant from the American Society for Microbiology to present


A. D. Peterson, A. J. A. Ouellette

“An Evaluation of Microbial Interactions in Aquatic Environmental Isolates”

American Society for Microbiology 107th General Meeting

Toronto ON, 5/1- 5/25, 2007


Mark R. Hudson, Anders D. Peterson, John F. Heagerty and Anthony J. A. Ouellette

“Characterizing and Identifying Bacteria Inhabiting Fallbrook at Rice Creek Field Station by MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rDNA Sequencing”                                                              

Great Lakes Research Consortium Student/Faculty Conference
Syracuse, NY 3/14-3/15, 2007


Anders D. Peterson and Anthony J.A. Ouellette

 “An Evaluation of Microbial Interactions in Aquatic Environmental Isolates”

Great Lakes Research Consortium Student/Faculty Conference

Syracuse, NY 3/14-3/15, 2007